+44 7301 680835
Registered Charity Number: 1207790

SEND Dance

In partnership with Ascension Dance

Albany Theatre, Albany Road, Coventry, CV5 6JQ

Every Wednesday from Wednesday 5th June to 3rd July


Ladybug Lodge are collaborating with Ascension Dance on their Inclusive Dance Group sessions!

Ascension Dance run sessions for age 5 - 9 (Explore Group) and age 14 - 25 (Journey Group) each week from the Albany Theatre.

Sessions in June and July are free of charge.

More information and session sign up is available on Ascension Dance; website

Term Time - Sensory Stay and Play

Stoke Community Centre

Every Monday from 17th June to Monday 15th July
10:00 - 11:30 am

Just turn up!

Ladybug Lodge are please to offer a pilot of 5 term time, Sensory Stay and Play activity sessions to all children/young people with SEND.

Sessions will comprise of sensory play, messy play, soft play, arts and crafts and more! There will be some small group led activities by Ladybug Lodge Staff and Volunteers.

Refreshments are available for parents and children.

Sessions have a recommended donation of £2.50 per child.

Term Time - Parent/Carer Support Group

Stoke Community Centre

Bi-Weekly Wednesdays from 19th June to 17th July
1:00 - 2:30 pm

Just turn up!

Ladybug Lodge are pleased to announce the beginning of a Parent/Carer support group, supported by Stoke Community Centre

Parents and Carers are welcome to join us for informal chats, information sharing and coffee.

We really hope to see you there!